Anyway, in New York this past weekend, among other things, we announced a STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN 3-parter. Somehow this one had never been done before, and it was time to rectify that. Andy Schmidt is adapting 'er, and Chee is handling the art chores in a sort of more heavily shaded Al Williamson-esque style. For that reason, and to pay tribute to the recently passed Ricardo Montalban and those Khan pecs he had on full display in this classic flick, here's a look at Chee's covers for issues 1 and 2 (there will also be connecting painted covers by another artist for all three issues, too).

Instantly my most anticipated comic of the year. Any word on the release date or additional RI covers?
Ken R
It's coming in June and July (bi-weekly). We'll likely also do photo RI covers (using the movie poster and other such images).
Now if you guys could only grab (win, steal, abscond with) the Star Wars license I'd actually start reading Star Wars comics again.
to heck with star wars,i wanna see idw (and stephen mooney) do firefly/serenity.
although i hope dave dorman is doing those painted covers...
Cannot wait for this one: preview artwork is drop dead gorgeous! One question: Will the script be "director's cut" with expanded scenes from original edition, such as the expanded death scene for Scotty's nephew?
It's not the director's cut script, exactly, but there are extra scenes and new bits being added to this one.
I'm loving IDW's Star Trek comics. Those cover images look spectacular. And I also echo J Michael Biggie's sentiments about IDW snagging the Star Wars license. That'd be amazing.
Hi Chris
Thanks so much for doing a Khan adaptation…its been so frustrating having a gap in the original movie comics (Insurrection and Nemesis didnt get the comic treatment either but i guess we’ll all just have to live with that ;)
a couple a queries:
- will it be available as a stand alone WOK Trade Paperback in addition to the 3 issues and omnibus with the other movie adaptations?
-we will see stuff that was expanded on in the novel - like Khan and his followers torturing the genesis people, and maybe even Khan taking over the reliant?
oh an one other thing regarding the Terminator Salvation prequel issues - are those an adaptaion of the forthcoming Timothy Zahn T4 prequel novel 'From the Ashes'?
The artwork for this series is *spectacular*.
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