There are rarely Christmas card surprises any more (although some of the more confessional "here's how our year went" letters do raise an eyebrow). Still, the cards, which, while nice to receive, aren't usually the sorts of things that make your jaw drop. Which is why it was such a thrill to open a small package from
Joe Hill and have it accomplish exactly that. Inside the package was this, an actual Skull Key from LOCKE & KEY, expertly designed by a gent named Israel Skelton and Skeleton Crew Studios.

The key sitting alongside tomorrow's L&K: HEAD GAMES #1 and the advance copy of issue 2 (in stores on February 4):

The key sitting next to the original piece of key art Gabe designed:

And finally, the key as shown by
Gabriel Rodriguez, artist on the book, designer of the original key, and professional hand model: