30 Days of Night: Juarez TPB
Angel: After the Fall #17
Ashley Wood's 96 Nudes HC
Doctor Who Classics Series 2 #3
G.I. Joe #2
Spike: After the Fall Vol. 1 HC
Terminator: Salvation Movie Prequel #2
Transformers: Best of UK: City of Fear #1
Transformers: The War Within Omnibus
Welcome to Hoxford TPB
Seamus McNamus [Worthwhile Books]
So four different Angel covers were expected... but the Spike: After the Fall hardcover and the Welcome to Hoxford TPB, both of which I've been anticipating... wow, I really didn't expect those to come out this week. I'll be a broke man after Wednesday, but a very happy man.
Hey Chis, for some reason, as of last night, none of the comic news sites were reporting on the IDW TF/Joe panel. Would it be possible for something to be posted here or on the IDW site?
Two words: Yo Joe!
And just like Anonymous asked, what's up with sites like Newsarama and CBR not posting info from the Joe/TF panel?
Newsarama posted a report eventually, but with no images as yet. Still nothing from CBR.
Sweet, my first pro TF assignment finally comes out this week. :D
>Hey Chis, for some reason, as of last night, none of the comic news sites were reporting on the IDW TF/Joe panel. Would it be possible for something to be posted here or on the IDW site?
Just got off the plane now and made sure the images got sent to them again so hopefully they're up soon.
I never got to read GI Joe as a kid, but man, whoever did that cover made the Baroness look SO sexy! ;)
Did Tony Harris do that first G.I. Joe cover? The color especially look so EX MACHINA, which is great.
Dave Johnson did that first cover, Adam Hughes did the Baroness image.
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