TRANSFORMERS: NEFARIOUS #1 cover by Carlos Magno and Moose Baumann -- the next big movie-universe-related book we're doing come November:

And G.I. JOE: ORIGINS #9 from Tom Feister, also due in November:

Musings and advance comic book artwork from Chris Ryall, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of IDW Publishing
It's really great thing with publishing Transformers: Nefarious in November. But I am a bit confused 'cause I didn't saw solicit of this comic book on your November's solicitations? Why's that? Is this mistake with IDW solicitations for November or you didn't put this comic there?
Waiting for your reply ;D
PS. Thanks for publishing Doctor Who ongoing ;D
TF ROTF sequel! Fricking awesome Ryall. But will it be up to the writing and art standards of Reign of Starscream? Alliance was nothing like that. Will we get good viewing?
I thought you were finishing up Tales of the Fallen before launching Nefarious (b/c the last issue ot TotF is supposed to set the stage for Nefarious). Is Nefarious moving up earlier?
Cool either way -- just curious.
Yeah, I also have to ask about the solicitations. Tales of the Fallen doesn't finish until January.
Where's the confusion on Nefarious coming from? Everything I've heard is that it's being released in early 2010.
So it would make sense that's it's not solicited for Nov.
Hey Chris,
Hope all goes well in RI. Maybe you can let us know of any updates when you get back?
"Where's the confusion on Nefarious coming from?"
That would be the post we're responding to, which says Nefarious is coming in November. I assume that was a typo.
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