Since we started collecting JOHN BYRNE'S COMPLEAT NEXT MEN series in the b&w and Premiere Edition formats, there's been a steady stream of requests to see John tackle the property once again. Well, for the second Premiere Edition (oversized, in color), JB did a new cover image for the book, as seen here. One of the first times he's revisted the characters in over a decade, making it something special.

So sad there won't be any new follow-up Next Men to these reprint volumes :-(
Chris, is there some talks for a new series of JBNM comics by John?
According to him, there are "only" 20 issues or so. It is not too much. On top of that, as he was kinda working with arc stories, it could be mini series...
Please, make it happen! Thanks !
Please please please please please please please please please please make room for new Next Men comics by John Byrne in your production schedule.
With sugar on top.
Really, is there any reason not to?
I will NOT be supporting this until John Byrne acts like a PROFESSIONAL and finishes this insanely late book.
He has some gall crying about late books on his web-site considering Next Men was solicited over a decade ago.
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