Click the below links for 5-page previews:
American McGee's Grimm #1
Angel: Smile Time #3
Ashley Wood's Art of Metal Gear Solid SC
Doctor Who Classics Series 2 #5
G.I. Joe: Cobra #2
Resistance TPB
Star Trek Alien Spotlight: Klingons
Terminator Salvation Movie Adaptation #0
Terminator Salvation Movie Prequel TPB
Transformers: All Hail Megatron #10
Transformers: Maximum Dinobots #5
Transformers: Armada Vol. #3 TPB
My Mom [Worthwhile Books]
So you're going to pretend that these comics wont be delayed because of Diamond screwing up, just like you did last time IDW was missing from retailers' shipping lists?
To be fair...they weren't delayed. It was a truck that didn't make it to one distribution center so the east coast was one week late. But the issues were distributed everywhere else. Looks to be the same case this time. Not much Chris and IDW can do about that though. It is annoying that Diamond can't get their act together though because I get my issues from a Chicago store who apparently is served by the east coast warehouse. But the stores in Omaha NE did get them on time last time this happened.
And I think Chris did acknowledge the east coast was going to be 1 week late last time. So he didn't pretend about anything...don't know what else you're looking for Anon.
"So you're going to pretend that these comics wont be delayed because of Diamond screwing up, just like you did last time IDW was missing from retailers' shipping lists?"
You could at least sign your accusatory post with your own name. And you do realize that we don't distribute the comics ourselves, right? So your accusation is aimed in the wrong direction. All we can do is get the comics to Diamond on time, which we did. The rest is up to them.
I flat out said it was due to Diamond screwing up, so I don't know why you felt the need to say you don't distribute them yourselves. I never said it was IDW's fault. My problem is that you're aware of Diamond's screw up and you don't feel the need to warn people. In the previous instance, the problem wasn't acknowledged until after the shipping date.
And I don't see how not having a user name made my question any less valid. I don't have a blogger account and didn't feel like signing up for one to make a single comment. If it somehow makes my question worthy of being answered without excessive snark, my name's Conor Edmiston.
"My problem is that you're aware of Diamond's screw up and you don't feel the need to warn people. In the previous instance, the problem wasn't acknowledged until after the shipping date."
No idea why you're so angry, man. I wasn't aware there was a problem before until there was one. It's not like we knew Diamond would misplace boxes last time until we found out the day of release that they were missing. How could we know? Similarly, I'm not aware of any problem with this week's books; everything should be in stores as I listed. If they're not, just like last time, I'll look into it and see how to fix it, not that I can control Diamond's shipping of product from my end anyway. Why would you think it would benefit me or anyone to keep information from you if I had it ahead of time? I fully know the disappointment of going into the comic shop and expecting a comic only to find that it's not there--there'd be no good reason to subject our readers to that if I knew there was a problem ahead of time.
And, in IDW's defence here, sometimes it's only the US that Diamond screws over.
There have been times that the comics have turned up in the UK and Oz while not in America - the only reason it seems that it's not happening is because all the sites that cite releases are US based, and so if they're not getting their comics, it seems that noone is, which until Thursday we do not know whether or not that's the case.
My LCS assures me that as far as they're aware and planning for, they are getting IDW comics thus Wednesday evening/Thursady morning.
Chris, wasn't the first Star Trek Marvel Omnibus supposed to come out this week?
"Chris, wasn't the first Star Trek Marvel Omnibus supposed to come out this week?"
That one's actually not out until mid-May.
Good news: My inbox has been updated and had every IDW title I ordered for this week except for 1 item on this list; Armada vol. 3. Otherwise I received all TF issues, DW, ST, and GI Joe!!
My copy of Maximum Dinobots, SL:Klingons, and DW: Classics are in hand now.
So looks like Diamond has pissed up only part of their orders again.
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