*Disclaimer: I know this image is a year old, but since I don't have any new April Fool's gag to run with, I'm showing it anyway. First, it only ran at Ben's blog last year (I started to show it but then decided against it lest it be offensive to anyone. A year later, I decided that people who might take offense to a gag like this likely aren't big IDW readers anyway. Also, since it only ran at one place, Ben's blog, I figured it would still seem new to people who might have missed it there. As much as I think gags on April Fool's Day are overdone, this piece of art was too impressive not to show after all, so enjoy what just might be the first cover of a new miniseries in some alternate reality.
Definitely a freaky image...
Man, that's what I call disturbing!
I find that offensive :<
You know all the IDW staff and colaborators will be burn in Hell for this.
My seat will be located next to the pornstars area, anyway.
hmmm... I'm a big IDW fan but I find that offensive. I can still like violent comics while being catholic, you know ;)
Did somebody say pornstars?
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