Orbital Comics in the UK -- where I did a signing a couple years back alongside Simon Furman and Nick Roche -- is hosting Simon and Nick once again, as well as Jon Davis-Hunt, the artist of our new movie adaptation, artist Boo and colo(u)rist Liam Shalloo, at a Transformers event at their store this Saturday. Orbital runs a great shop, and that was before they opened the even better new location. This signing's going to include a gallery show of art from all the signees (except Simon, of course), too, so if you're in the area, it's a great time to go rub the ink-stained elbows with the Transformers braintrust. Maybe you can get Nick to hint at his upcoming TF miniseries that he'll be writing and drawing (then again, he knows he better not give too many hints, either... at least not to anyone who might post online).
Then again, since Nick evidently spent most of his time during his DINOBOTS series like this:
Full information about the signing and less jokes at Nick's expense can be found here.

Wow! Leaky-leaky much?!
Thanks for the promo-push for this. We shall miss you!
wow yeah, talk about leaks!!! go Chris!!! heh heh love it when you tease...
I was sidetracked on Max Dinos 'cos I was getting all frothy about the royalties I'm gonna get from doing artwork in Comics 101...
Good to see the axe put to good use! Looks like Nick just might give Stan "The Touch" Bush a run for his money.
ah how i have missed putting colours to Nick's fab lines.
Thanks for the Promoism C.R.
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