We've been doing more and more all-ages comics and books of late, things like SPEED RACER, TRANSFORMERS ANIMATED, our children's picture book line, and now, coming in MAY, a prequel to this Fall's CGI-animated movie, IGOR. We'll be doing the adaptation, too, but for now, we're doing a 4-part prequel that leads into the movie. Dara Naraghi, who's also writing a ZOMBIES comic for us, is writing, with Grant Bond doing full art and colors. And his stuff looks like finished storyboards from the movie, as you can see here. The issues will feature multiple stories, some longer and some shorter, to make this as appealing to kids, and adults, as possible, and to shake up the usual (well, unless you're ARCHIE) format.
i just read the first issue of locke and key,over here in the UK.
well done to all concerned...
i just realised,i only really buy idw books now,apart from fantastic four.
can you get dave dorman to do something for you?
I've actually been talking to Dave recently... I'd love to make that happen.
Hi Chris, this sounds cool mate. Can I take it that with these more kid focused books you guys are putting out that you're getting into a bigger market than comics stores? Like department stores and book stores?!? Here's hoping.
he's a top bloke. i completely ruined star wars celebration europe for him by hanging around his stall and bringing my mates while i declared 'there's the greatest artist who ever lived'.
they all bought prints off him,though...which was nice.
he's the greatest artist who ever lived.
in my opinion.
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