No offense to Thor, or Gene Simmons, for that title above...
We're doing new comics based on THE MUMMY, and it's past time we showed off some of it. The Title above will take you right to the blog of MUMMY comic writer Josh Jabcuga, and if you go here you can check out some of the art from Stephen Mooney, the book's artist. The story we're doing starts in April, and is set years after the last MUMMY movie, and about a year before the big new movie coming this summer. The solicits for the issue describe it better than I could, but really, just click on the three cover images to the left and you get a good idea of what you're in for. It's full on pulp adventure madness courtesy of Josh & Stephen.
The Mummy Movie Prequel: The Rise & Fall of Xango’s Ax
In the prelude to next summer’s blockbuster Mummy movie, adventurer Rick O’Connell and his son Alex embark on their most dangerous adventure yet. In Burma, Rick procures a stolen jewel that has unearthed the vengeful god of thunder, Xango. Now they have to stay one step ahead of corrupt treasure-hunters and angry spirit-demons if they want to prevent Xango from remaking the world in his image!
Looks very good. Really looking forward to this book. If the interiors are half as good as whats up here it should be great
These covers are great, can't wait to see the actual interiors!
I'm liking the "old time movie poster" vibe. Very "ol' timey". Still not totally crazy about the colours but love the artwork, I bet Brendan is quite happy also. He's a good skin is our Brendan.
good stuff. nice art and colours. you should capitalize on the ol adventure movie scene coming back to life by doing a romancing the stone series. eh?
I'm Sold.
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