The office move will be complete on Monday, but until then, I don't have that much artwork here at home. But I do have a couple nice pieces to share--one is the cover for ROGUE ANGEL #4, by Rebecca Wrigley. Rebecca's covers for this series (and for ANGEL and MACK BOLAN) are just stunning--I'm really happy she's one of us now. The other piece is also ANGEL-related, but in this case, it's a page from Wesley's "First Night" tale in an upcoming issue of ANGEL: AFTER THE FALL. Art is by Nick Runge and colors by John Rauch.
Hi chris!
Great art. The artist captured Wesley really well.
Why must you torment poor Wesley.....
Perfect page. Wesley has always been the single most interesting character ever to come from any Joss Whedon show, so I'm glad his character is being done justice. I can't wait to read this.
Oh. My. God. The *lighting* AND the backgrounds.
...and the people...
I have to agree with the fact that Wes was the best character to come from Whedon...though Captain Mal would have to be close in the race.
Bravo on the Wes art and I hope he finds the peace he deserves...only to have it taken from him, again.
What? It's what Joss does best.
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