Keep an eye out for this one on New Music Tuesdays in June (well, actually, New Comic Wednesdays).
You Wheelie-haters will change your mind after all these years, we promise.
As a little bonus, I'm posting Matt Moylan's latest "LI'L FORMERS" strip, too, since it was a nice little bonus for me to see that I made it into the strip this week. Check his site for more--they're a lot of fun.
oh dear lord!! haha just kidding. i'm quite excited. never enjoyed him in the movie, but I had the little kids book 20 years ago and he had a great vibe roaming around the jungles with hot rod and grimlock and such. Can't wait to see what you and IDW do with him! Bassbot
Wheelie CD = Whisky Tango Foxtrot.
Moylan's Lil Formers = Perfect.
Why isn't he working for IDW yet??
*jaw falls open*
lol! that cd promo really unexpected
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