In the couple years we've been doing TRANSFORMERS comics, the fans have been to be incredibly savvy, often knowing what we're going to do seemingly as soon as we figured it out ourselves. Well, it's time to put that to the test. The questions before you here are, based on these sketch pages, who is the focus of this upcoming (in June) SPOTLIGHT? And who is the artist? No answers coming from me right away, mind you, but I welcome any guesses you might have... and if anyone nails it, I just might award the first person a cool little gift, too.
First guess...I'm going to say it's a spotlight on Wheelie and the artist is Mr. Nick Roche!!
Yes, I might know the artist too!!! ^^
I guess, it is a Wheelie Spotlight and the artist is Guidi Guidi :) No?
I'm gonna say spotlight wheelie by... well, i was going to say Nick Roche but i'll go for Emiliano Santalucia?
"Survival Run". Odd for a Spotlight to have a title. Especially one that already exists in TF comic lore...
So, I'll go really leftfield and say it's a cryptic way of telling us Lee Sullivan is joining the team. UK #238 for those who are confused.
As for the subject... Wheelie is too obvious... so... yeah. Pass. Springer.
He-he,Wheelie is carrying some sort of BFG?))
Holy crap! Spotlight Wheelie! I'm gonna go out on left field and say that you got Geoff Senior to come in and draw for a bit, mainly because he's awesome.
(Alternately, Derik Yaniger, because whatever happened to THAT guy?)
I agree with Hooper_X. Looks like Geoff Senior to me too. In particular, the panel where the one dude is jumping up to attack Wheelie looks very Senior-esque.
Wheelie, no question.
Art is simple, clean...
Actually, I'm going to guess the artist is Ashley Wood.
Wheelie! :D
Wheelie by Nick Roche!
everyone has that down packed.
but i gotta go with Ng as the artist.
it's Wheelie. The smiley faces gave it up... this ought to be interesting. I hope we get an explanation for his rhyme-routines.
I'm assuming it's the trouser-shatter himself doing Wheelie.
Love the last image puts me in mind of Rogue Trooper. V. cool indeed.
Yeah, I gotta go along with everyone and say it's Wheelie. The artist? I dunno. That splash page looks awfully Kubert-ish. Adam Kubert-ish.
Yeah, the more I look at it, the more I think Adam Kubert. Page 18, Panel 5. That's a classic Kubert pose. Leaf through any book he's drawn and you'll see a pose very similar to that...especially when someone's getting tossed by an explosion. Then on Page 19, Panel 1, the fingers of the transformer grabbing the wall are also Kubert-esque. Adam draws these fat, rounded, sausage-like digits on his characters. I know these are only thunbnails of the final pages so the artist is just scribbling but trademarks of a guy's style will show through whether he's scribbling or putting effort into it. Again, I say spotlight on Wheelie draws by Adam Kubert.
Adam Kubert doing Transformers. Wow, that would rule. I would love to make that happen.
But so far, no one here has named the artist on this one...
Hmm... how about Gabriel? As either a guess or an interior TF art request...
YOU! Chris Ryall will be drawing Wheelie!
On second thought, I know Simon Furman occasionally used to do the pencil roughs for the covers of the G1 Marvel comics. How about if not you, then Simon Furman? Bob Budiansky also used to pencil covers. How about if not you or Simon, how about Bob?
Ok, Spotlight Wheelie and artist....
EJ Su.
Klaus Scherwinski
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