Get it? "Clobberin' Time"? Ben GRIMM's favorite expression? And here I'm showing a cover for the upcoming GRIMlock Spotlight, where the title character in question is busting through on the cover? Uhhh, yeah, moving past the bad pun. I think we've shown remarkable restraint, waiting over two full years to do a Simon Furman-penned GRIMLOCK issue. But its time has finally come, so in April, courtesy of SimFur and cover and interior artist Marcelo Matere, it'll finally be Clobber-- well, you know.
I can't wait.
LOVE Grimlock (what inner 10 year old boy doesn't like giant transforming robot dinosaurs that blow stuff up?)
AND with the added fact that it's expanding the overarching story is all the better.
Er... late April?
Yeahhhh... wasn't Spotlight Grimlock solicited for March? Along with Mirage (because we're getting two in March and none in April)?
Or am I going crazy?
Slag! Slag! Slag!
Nice cover, too. ;)
Solicits not being met has become an accepted norm in the comic book industry. This is the most anticipated Spotlight since Optimus Prime. It will be worth the wait. Transformers fans have a lot to look forward to in the coming months, from Mirage and Grimlock, to Devastation #6, All Hail Megatron and The Reign of Starscream. Thanks for your commitment and contribution to this franchise Ryall.
It might be late March, or early April. I'll post the in-store date as soon as I have it.
Will Spotlight Mirage be pushed back to April as well?
If Mirage stays in March, but Grimlock gets pushed back to April, that wouldn't be so bad. Then we would get a main-universe story in April after all.
AWESOME! Time to add a charge to my credit card! LOL!
You guys ROCK! You give the fans what we want! So, in turn, I give you my money. ;-) Fair trade. ;-)
wow, grimlock design reminds me of this http://derob2511.deviantart.com/art/Me-Grimlock-bad-breath-71351808
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