ANGEL: AFTER THE FALL is doing something special with issues 6-8. We're taking a break from the ongoing story--and oh, how this might upset some of you after you see the end of issue 5--to do the now three-part "First Night." This is an array of short stories, all handled by different artists and each one finally revealing what these characters the night of the big, apocalyptic fight in the alley at the conclusion of Angel Season 5. I posted a page from the "Wesley" story below, and now here is a page each from "Lorne" (art by John Byrne, colors by Len O'Grady) and Spike (art by David Messina, our original Angel and Spike artist, colors by Ilaria Traversi). No more details than that, but then again, no more is really needed when you can instead just enjoy these pages...
Wow. That's the sound I am making. Wow. Love the Lorne page, but I've seen it before at that article, and it's cool to see it in color now...
...but that Spike page. To tell the truth, I've never been impressed with David Messina's art... until now. Holy awesome. Perfect likeness of Spike. That page just COULDN'T be better.
Something tells me that Lorne has "issues" (like everyone else) with their valiant leader...
Mind you, Spike seems happy.
am i the only one that thinks lorne looks pretty grumpy?
These pages are amazing. Thanks for the previews! It's a seriously trippy feeling to see a John Byrne version of Angel & Co. (good trippy, mind you). And I LOVE the Spike page. Wow. Kudos, Mr. Messina.
Kate W., considering that this looks like an artistic riff on the last episode - wherein a relcutant Lorne had to commit murder - I don't think it'd be apropos for Lorne to be grinning and doing a jig. :P
Kate, I reckon Lorne's the only one of the crew who, IF trapped in Hell, who is unable to "fight the good fight". After all, that was much of the gist of his arc in the later part of Season 5 after all.
So of course he'd be pissed off.
It's Wes I still feel sorry for.
Spike, Connor, Illyria and Angel can still fight for their ideals, and are free of Wolfram and Hart. But poor Wes is their sole remaining representative, and is a ghost to boot.
Poor bugger.
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