In the new issue of WIZARD magazine (#211, May 2009), they have a feature entitled "Rising Stars" that looks at 25 hot new artists. One of whom will be very familiar to readers of LOCKE & KEY, CLIVE BARKER'S THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW, BEOWULF, LAND OF THE DEAD, CSI... and even the book cover for COMIC BOOKS 101 that's shown in the clickable link to the right. Way to go, Gabe. Or is that "way to go, Wizard," for finally catching on to the great work Gabriel's been doing for pretty much our entire decade of existence?
It's "Way To Go Wizard"... they're a bit slow on things like this.
Gabriel is right up there with Franco Urru, Stephen Mooney, Pia Guerra and Karl Moline as one of my favorite comic artists. Love his work on Locke and Key.
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