STAR TREK site had glowing things to say about both of our new STAR TREK releases this week.
First up, about John Byrne's solo tour de force on CREW #1, they said:
"The best compliment I can give to this book is that it made me want to watch its source material as soon as I was done. This feels like original Trek... I felt like I did when I first discovered Star Trek in the early 1970s. If you like the orginal series, you're going to like this. Thank you, John Byrne and everyone else! Overall grade: A+"
Read the entire STAR TREK: CREW #1 review here.
And about the third issue of our STAR TREK movie prequel, COUNTDOWN, they said:
"Gorgeously executed and horrifying at once. After going through this issue, and Messina's previous work, shouldn't there be an Eisner Award for best licensed artwork not orginating in comic form?"
Read the entire COUNTDOWN #3 review here. And then go pick up the entire issue for $0.99 at iTunes right now.
they say some pretty nice things about the colorist too ;p
Yeah, the colorist was pretty good, too. : )
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