ANGEL: AFTER THE FALL #16, the penultimate chapter in the "After the Fall" storyline, came out today and featured, among other things, a nicely surprising and flattering cameo by yours truly on the final page (I'm the one in the image above who doesn't look like David Boreanaz but seems to wish I did...). And since I'd prefer not to spoil anything in the issue, I clipped just this panel. But if you've read the issue and want to read a review at a place who's reviewed each and every issue, I'll steer you here and just caution against reading it if you don't want spoilers.
Thanks man. Appreciate the linkage.
Enjoyed the book so much. I'll let the rest of my review speak for itself and avoid spoilers here, but I just have to say I couldn't be happier with the series. I've been anticipating it for years, hosted a countdown on my site, worried that maybe it wouldn't live up to my hopes, read the first issue, realized that it went above and beyond my hopes... and since then it's just been a crazy, emotional, fantastic ride. Can't believe the arc is almost over, and my excitement for the next chapter is renewed.
Thanks, Chris. Thanks, all you guys for your work on the book. It's the best I've read.
I've got to say....
With this and Doctor Who: The Forgotten #6 this week has been "finales week". But what endings they were
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