Our STAR TREK movie lead-in comic, COUNTDOWN, began its run on January 14, when issue 1 was released. The first issue got some great reviews from places like AICN and some Trek sites, and now, just under two weeks later, issue 1 -- which was considerably overprinted to make sure there were many more copies beyond what was initially ordered -- is a complete sell-out, too.
Issue 2 is in stores on February 25, and here's a couple pages from that issue just to give those of you who haven't grabbed the first issue a taste of what it looks like. Art and colors courtesy of David Messina.
Update: a live link to the COUNTDOWN #1 review that was mentioned in the blog responses here.
Very, very nice. February 25th feels like such a long way off.
Thanks for posting the teasers. Hard core comic fans, like me at TrekWeb, really do appreciate it!
I thought you might be interested in our review of issue 1. It's online now at http://handsomegeniusclub.blogspot.com/2009/01/hgc-comic-rack-star-trek-countdown-1.html
ps: The previous week's review was of GI Joe #1.
Nice review, Anthony. You were a bit harder on the movie itself than I think is deserved based on what I've seen, but glad you liked the comic, thanks.
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