After a long travel day, just a quick one before I sack out--here's the cover to the first issue of our TRANSFORMERS series that reprints the Titan U.K.-only Magazine stories (U.K. stories, hence the so-clever addition of the extra "u" in this entry's subject, get it? If not, I blame the jet lag.). Set before the movie and functioning as a bit of a companion piece/lead-in to our Movie Sequel, THE REIGN OF STARSCREAM, these comics will each offer two magazine tales per issue. Cover art and colors by the great Nick Roche and equally great Josh Burcham.
nice Chris, great to be getting this! Cool to have lots of great movieverse stuff as well as the other fantastic work this year.
awesome cover.
Great colours, looks like our Nick is a bit of a renaissance man. Great hair too.
Thank you for making the UK material available for us!
rock on,get in,etc...
Man, you guys just keep coming up with more and more and more comics to put out, and I'm interested but my wallet is telling me to back off of this one, for now at least.
So, I must ask, will this, inevitably, be collected in to a trade?
Also, is it just my monitor or is that cover image incredibly BRIGHT?
Hot damn that looks awesome. I do hope we are getting a trade of this (as Titan are doing a manga sized version).
awesome awesome! can't wait!
um, sorry for being blur, but what's the idw title of this series? hehe...
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