I haven't really shown off any of this book yet, which is curious since I'm really excited about it. Starting next month, we'll be releasing the *official* comic book sequel to last summer's TRANSFORMERS movie, in the form of TRANSFORMERS: THE REIGN OF STARSCREAM. The script is by Chris Mowry and myself (Mowry did most all the heavy lifting, for purposes of full disclosure. But if you love the comic and I think you will, I'll try to share in the praise...), with Alex Milne and Josh Perez, the same team as the Movie Adaptation comic, ably handling the art chores, as you can see here.
Since both Mowry and I are pop-culture idiots, whose conversations seem to be as much from old movies as from our own heads, look for various little quotes and references to movies, songs, and old Transformers Animated episodes, too.
Doing sequels to movies that nevertheless don't affect any coming sequel have a long tradition in comics (anyone else remember Han Solo's giant green bunny sidekick in Marvel's STAR WARS series?), and we've been having a lot of fun with this one. Expect to see some new faces, some familiar faces, some explanations for certain, shall we say, quirks in the movie's script, a return to Cybertron (and another planet, this one in our solar system), and much more in this series.
Congratulations to the art team, and hope this will be a truly entertaining story if it comes from the twisted minds of Chris&Chris...
Quirks, heh. To say the least. ;P
Will the Reign of Starscream be published as a graphic novel like the Movie Prequel and Movie Adaptation were, or individual comics only?
It'll be comics first but a collected edition will be along eventually.
awesome awesome awesome. i've loved the covers that have been shown so far, and this art by Alex and Josh looks tight and takes me straight back into movie mode. Go C&C!
You need one guy with a big red pen whose sole purpose is to cross out any bits of awful dialogue you write.
All writers need someone like that.
i'll take a giant talking green rabbit over jar jar bleedin' binks any day.
Shan: Well I'm a professional Teacher. And wielding the Red Pen is what we do....
Awful dialogue? You must have us confused with someone else.
Plus, we have each other. And Denton Tipton, our new TF editor. And multiple people at Hasbro. No shortage of red pens to put to work on our stuff.
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