Next month, FALLEN ANGEL hits an anniversary of sorts for us: it's our first comic to ever reach issue number 25. We've had other series that have produced more total issues than that, namely CSI and TRANSFORMERS (and ZOMBIES VS ROBOTS, although so far that one, about 20 of those issues are still just locked in my head), but this is the first series that has run consecutively for over two full years. We'd already passed DC Comics' run with the title, so now that we hit issue 25, it felt like a good time to celebrate the book and what creator Peter David and artist J.K. Woodward have done with the title.
Woodward's contribution is very notable, in that, with very little break, he's done full art and colors on over 20 of those issues (thanks also to Kristian Donaldson, Joe Corroney, Charlie Kirchoff, Billy Tucci, and the others who've helped along the way). And he's done so on a monthly basis, which is even more impressive.
To celebrate their work, this issue features a full back-up section with special art and character bios and more, rather than house ads. And it features a wraparound cover, shown here in b&w form and also in color, so you can see J.K.'s great stuff before and after he applies the colors to the art. The issue's in stores on March 26, and if you've ever been a fan of the title or its characters, you might want to give it a look, since not all of the regular cast--or Bete Noire itself--are going to make it out unscathed from the current war raging in the book.
i just realised,if you could get the rights for 'lost' and star wars,you'd pretty much be the best comics publisher there is.
as things stand,the best titles out there seem to be published by idw...
Congrats on reaching 25 continuous issues.
(TF has to be close, the -ation title is technically an ongoing series, 22 issues in that one so far by my reckoning (6 for Infiltration, 4 for Stormbringer, 6 for both Escalation and Devastation).
15 Spotlights as well (11 released, 4 scheduled).
I LOVE that you are including the backup material; It'd be great if some of that kind of thing could be in future issues as well. I really think FA would lend itself to a really interesting letter column and PAD's thoughts on his own work is always an interesting read.
I'd also like to ad that those of you in the LOng Beach/Los Angeles area can attend signings of the isssue at the Comic Bug today and Golden Apple next Wednesday. I'll be giving away some free originals so I hope to see you there!
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