TRANSFORMERS: LAST STAND OF THE WRECKERS #3 is out soon. In addition to showing the original lineart of the cover underneath the finished version, I thought I'd show how a page itself came together.
First, it started with Nick Roche's pencils:

From there, Andrew Griffith inked the pencils:

And finally, Josh Burcham did his thing with the colors. We then lettered the finished art:

You can see more--all of it, in fact, on March 24, when the comic hits the shelves.
Par Excellence!
Good to see Wreckers get some more Ryalltime love :D
A fembot?! Is this the mysterious Aequitas, or someone else entirely?
Also: ol' one eyes is back! Huzzah :)
Wooooo! Shockwave!
I'm really enjoying what Josh has done. The textured look to the colours as well as the page itself with the parchment texture. Very Nice!
why is the coloured page different from the pencils and inks, tho?
Pretty sure the 'fembot' is Verity in zoot-suit.
Wooooooooo. Loving the look of this. Can't wait to get me some more LSotW goodness, especially if Shockers gets a look-in!
"why is the coloured page different from the pencils and inks, tho?"
You damned Transformers fans and your extreme pickiness can all kiss my... er... oops. My bad. Fixed it now. Good eye, JK!
Wow! What a page to show too, Chris!!! Awesome
Overlord and Shockwave, now that's an intense team....
Great creative team here too!
Oh, wow. Thanks for showing us all the levels of awesome going into Last Stand of the Wreckers! Cannot wait--not even a minute more--for this issue.
Alright, Shockers! Looking forward to it next week!
(Assuming Diamond doesn't **** IDW over again.)
el: "Pretty sure the 'fembot' is Verity in zoot-suit."
Ah yes, it could well be. That would be better than a fembot, in fact :)
So I must go back to my other Aequitas theory: it's a Quintesson!
Chris: thanks for showing us two pages for a brief, shining moment before JK ruined it for everyone ;)
The return of the one eyed purple people eater. I'd be surprised if he's around much but I'm sure the boys won't disappoint
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