A press release from Paramount came around today. Why this is important to our comics will be explained below...
Captain Kirk goes mad in "The Enterprise Incident," premiering this weekend
Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) seemingly goes insane in the remastered version of "The Enterprise Incident," premiering this weekend in nationwide syndication. Kirk orders the Enterprise across the Neutral Zone, where it is captured by Romulan forces. Spock (Leonard Nimoy) goes aboard a Romulan ship in a desperate bid to save his ship and his captain's life, but the Vulcan officer finds himself strangely drawn to the beautiful commander of the Romulan fleet (Joanne Linville).
Episode highlights include one of Star Trek's featured appearances of the feared Klingon Battle Cruiser, and the only time that it is seen commanded by Romulan forces. In the remastered version of the episode, the iconic Klingon ship now sports the signature Romulan bird-of-prey markings, first seen in "The Balance of Terror." The remastered episode also reintroduces the original Romulan ship design, now flying alongside with its larger Klingon-styled brethren.
The remastered version of "The Enterprise Incident" features all-new visual effects by CBS Digital and premieres during the weekend of April 5, 2008. The original episode was first aired in September, 1968, and was written by D.C. Fontana and directed by John Meredyth Lucas. Star Trek was created by Gene Roddenberry and is distributed in nationwide syndication by CBS Paramount Television.
This is great timing, since the sequel to this episode comes in the form of our new STAR TREK: THE ENTERPRISE EXPERIMENT miniseries, the first issue of which is being released on April 16.
The comic book, like the original episode, is written by Dorothy "D.C." Fontana (along with Derek Chester). This is Dorothy's first-ever comic book work, which is exciting to any fans of the Original Series and the Animated Series (as well as the many other things she's written). So first check out the episode--some of the digital upgrades actually tie the episode even more closely in with the comic book--and then see the follow-up a little over a week later. And until then, here're the covers (art cover by Joe & Rob Sharp) and a page (by Gordon Purcell), as well as a still from the episode itself.
hey this doc from the itunes podcast: Heroes of Science Fiction and Fantasy, thanks for the great article. Trying to catch all of the remastered versions, so far so good. The comic book info i did not know about, so thankyou. website www.heroesofsciencefictionandfantasy.com voicemail 1-206-333-1297
Great, thanks, Doc. I'll check out the podcast. We're also doing a Gary Seven spin-off book, too, if you've yet to see that one. Starts later this month.
Wow--very cool! The Purcell art is fantastic, and it's great to see the animated characters in the book. Great details and faces!
Is DC Fontana a comic book fan? How is she to work with?
Will Idw continue with more Year Four stories? How about the new movie? Will you adapt that one?
This is looking solid. I wasn't impressed with the previous Year 4 mini, but this'll be something to keep an eye out for (that sounds like it should hurt!). :)
BTW, has IDW talked to Steve (NEXUS) Rude about doing some TOS art? Check out the new interview with Rude at http://www.comicon.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=39;t=000371
and especially the page of art at http://www.comicon.com/pulse/images_07a/40fyc4.jpg
I spotted that Trek cameo in NEXUS 100, too--very cool. That's what I loved about the Dude's Nexus art back in the day, all the little cameos he threw in.
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