Monday, May 26, 2008

Have a great Memorial Day or else!!


zriza said...

Is that supposed to be Spock turned into a vampire ???

Anonymous said...

He doesn't look happy does he?
What's the bet that someone just told him that Kirk just blew the hell out of his spaceship??

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So will you have an artist table at the con? Id love for a Spock Sketch from you!!!

Chris Ryall said...

"Is that supposed to be Spock turned into a vampire ???"

Or is that actually a Romulan...?

"So will you have an artist table at the con? Id love for a Spock Sketch from you!!!"

Much as I'd love to take credit for the art, I didn't draw that, it was John Byrne, who doesn't do many cons any more.