
Brian Lynch and Franco Urru are doing their part to bring back sweet, innocent romance comics, as you can see by Franco's art for the cover of SPIKE: AFTER THE FALL #3.
Musings and advance comic book artwork from Chris Ryall, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of IDW Publishing
Oh boy, oh boy! That's very romantic, what with the sculls and everything.
Seriously, though, I love it. Hope I can find both covers.
I'm a Spike/Fred(Illyria) shipper.
that is just wrong.
nooooo! poor wesley. that's wesley's arc.
man, they're doing a great job of running spike's character into the ground. evil hefner bimbos (i'd love spike to make carnage of them), stealing wes' girl + the genderless pure demon who inhabits her shell that was once a mass of tentacles (does everybody forget that part?)...
it's one thing for spike to be hiding fred popping up in illyria from the others... especially with wesley still having a presence. hiding the fact that illyria is cracking and going insane with fred popping through. that was actually an arc that i liked. it got a great payoff moment when spike says he wouldn't have brought her if he had known wesley was around... and then illyria turns into fred. ditto with spike finding fred on the ground. i liked that.
hopefully, this is just character popularity fan-service for a cover, but it doesn't reflect the continuing story.
i think it's been more than confirmed that wesley's pre-death journey in season 6 was supposed to involve going into a twisted relationship with illyria and they were trying to cram elements of that into a girl in question and not fade away ("be blue. be anything. don't be her. don't ever be her." / "would you like me to lie to you now?").
if there was one arc i wanted (possibly even beating the great surprise that was human-angel), it was wesley/fred/illyria.
very very wrong:(
spuffy fan ForEveeerrrrr!!!!!
I think this is a great cover, one of my faves. Urru draws Illyria really well, as well as Spike, imo. I can't wait to see how things play out, both in the Spike series and once the main Angel storyline starts up again. Things are looking quite complex.
>man, they're doing a great job of running spike's character into the ground. evil hefner bimbos (i'd love spike to make carnage of them), stealing wes' girl
Er, it's just an attention-getting cover (that does have a raison d'etre in this issue), but I really hope you read the issue when it comes out to see that you actually missed the mark with your comments here.
wow, that looks really romantic, but i'm not sure if it works for me, i think fred is sweet and she'll be nice with spike, who deserves some loving after all he's been through, and well fred too, well maybe they're both kind of lonely...but it's that fred or illyria? i wouldn't like if it was illyria...and also poor wesley! and hey, i'm a spuffy fan so seeing this hurts a little bit
Oooh, I love this! It looks great. Chris is right, Nile. You seem to forget its just a cover. And a really well done one at that if it got such a reaction. Thanks for this, Chris! Now I'm itching even more for the comics to come out *grumble*
Did I mention how much I love that Illyria has a nasty knife at the ready, a little too close to Spike's pretty head?
About the Tentacles...
Spike's a Modern Vampire, I don't think a bit of tentacle action would bother him too much.
And it's dreadful isn't it, the fan service on the cover of something being sold to fans. Terrible.
Maybe Illyria has her blond pet, while Fred and Wes are still together.Could make for a WONDERFULLY soap opera storyline :D
Absolutely gorgeous cover! Well done, beautifully drawn. Can't wait for this one. Who doesn't love a little romance?
Agree with Nile about Wesley/Illyria. We only got to see the tip of that iceberg in Season 5 of Angel, and I was looking forward to a further exploration of it. I really don't want Brian and Joss to drop it or discard its internal complications in favour of external ones so early.
But maybe it's just an attention-getter, especially given how critical Illyria was about Spike watching her bathing, and how embarrassed Spike was over it (Angel: After the Fall). Can't imagine it going down that way if there was sparkage to this cover's extent.
Beautiful cover.
Is it just me or is there going to be a Spike-----Fred/Illyria----Wesley love triangle coming.
If it did happen, maybe it happened before Fred/Illyria knew Wesley is still okay, well sort of. Spike tries to soothe the broken heart, but goes a bit overboard. Or it might just be in Spike's fantasies. Or it just be fan service, which doesn't actually represent the comic inside.
But, there could also be other meanings to the cover. I wonder what it could be.
A cutthroat relationship? A sibling in arms sort of relationship? Maybe they just wanted to test what it would be like. Who knows?
:D Great cover!
The cover looks great! I don't understand why people think this is degrading toward Spike. I think Spike is awesome in the comics and if he finds comfort in Illyria/Fred (and vice versa), then so be it.
This cover made me squee my pants. Spike/Fred/Illyria OT3!
Of course, if this actually happens, it'll come crashing down around their heads sooner or later (probably sooner). Seems to be some rule or other about happy couples in the JossVerse.
Now, if you guys would just bring Lilah back, I could die happy...
Oh, NileQT87...
"man, they're doing a great job of running spike's character into the ground. evil hefner bimbos (i'd love spike to make carnage of them)"
Someone's got lady isssssues.
"stealing wes' girl + the genderless pure demon who inhabits her shell that was once a mass of tentacles (does everybody forget that part?)..."
Is that what's happening? No idea that you've read the book, interesting.
" it's one thing for spike to be hiding fred popping up in illyria from the others... especially with wesley still having a presence. hiding the fact that illyria is cracking and going insane with fred popping through. that was actually an arc that i liked. it got a great payoff moment when spike says he wouldn't have brought her if he had known wesley was around... and then illyria turns into fred. ditto with spike finding fred on the ground. i liked that."
But we're RUINING Spike's story...other than most of the stuff we've done with him.
"hopefully, this is just character popularity fan-service for a cover, but it doesn't reflect the continuing story."
But you've already made your mind up that it does.
"i think it's been more than confirmed that wesley's pre-death journey in season 6 was supposed to involve going into a twisted relationship with illyria and they were trying to cram elements of that into a girl in question and not fade away ("be blue. be anything. don't be her. don't ever be her." / "would you like me to lie to you now?")."
"if there was one arc i wanted (possibly even beating the great surprise that was human-angel), it was wesley/fred/illyria."
A ton of that is coming.
WOW! SPIKE/ILLYRIA! Great cover! I'm Spuffy shipper, but I like Illyria! I can't wait to see this!;)
Very nicely drawn cover. I love any cover with Illyria, and I love how stylized this one is.
I admit to some skepticism about Spike/Illyria as a pairing, but I'm willing to be patient and trust that we won't be denied the Illyria/Wesley interactions that were set up in Season 5. The writers aren't stupid, and Joss wouldn't have signed off on something that would just drop the threads of what had gone before. They're obviously ramping up the dramatic tension between Wesley and Illyria by not letting them even know the other is around for the first four issues. The Spike stuff is pretty logical, though, given what we've seen so far, at least from Spike's POV. It's impossible to tell what Illyria's up to, as it should be!
Wow that's a really beautiful cover. Can't wait to have it in glorious technicolor. Seems likely that it's more of a fantasy cover than something that actually happens but either way I'm looking forward to it.
I must say it was a giant sigh of relief to read that this cover (which I love artistically speaking) is merely fan-service and not canon. I've lost my love of Spike over the years (Spuffy really ruined him but Angel redeemed him). And while I am primarily a Fred/Wes shipper I don't mind Spike/Fred... but I don't care for Spike/Illyria. So knowing this is merely fan-service sets my mind at ease. I look forward to reading S:ATF mostly for the Illyria content. :D Keep up the awesome work guys.
OMG I need Spike/Fred romance badly!
BTW, I'm a Spike/Buffy, Fred/Wesley shipper. Just thought I'd mention it. :)
Sorry for the two posts.
wow. it dissappoints me too. Cause, Spike, um what the hell is he thinking?
Though it could be a possibility, he liked getting his ass beat from Illyria, cause Buffy did it too. It's kinda his style?
I can't picture them, in the series. But the comic books, eh I guess.
just, hard for me, cause hello? Spuffy.
Well, visully the cover is perfect, but about the relationship, why Spike?, Why allways a woman who can kick your ass, and worse, a whoman who love someonealse. I don understand you,...but I still love you..
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