Angel: After the Fall #15
Dead, She Said HC
Fallen Angel #32
Ghostbusters: The Other Side #3
John Byrne's Compleat Next Men Vol. 2 TPB
Spaghetti Bros Vol. 2 HC
Star Trek TNG: The Last Generation #2
Swallow Book 5
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Movie Prequel: Alliance #1
Underworld Movie Triology TPB
Wormwood: Down the Pub one-shot
The Transformers comics have a new IDW logo, what's up with that?
Hey Chris:
I've been thinking of getting into Wormwood, because it just sounds so damn interesting. Do you think that this week's one-shot will be accessible to new comers? Or should I opt for the TPB?
pat, hunt down the trade, it's soooo worth it.
"pat, hunt down the trade, it's soooo worth it."
I second that!
"pat, hunt down the trade, it's soooo worth it."
Concur, but yeah, this week's one-shot is a good entry point because it's all Ben's earliest WW stories collected in one book, with new pages to go with it.
Wow, thanks you guys. I'll be worm woodin' real soon.
Does the Underworld Trade have a story from the upcoming movie?
I looked around the IDW site, but it's all out of whack and hard to read from my browser.
"Does the Underworld Trade have a story from the upcoming movie?"
It does, but it's just an adaptation of the movie itself.
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