Chilean TERMINATOR SALVATION MOVIE PREQUEL artist Alan Robinson gives the T-600s the edge in his card:

ALL HAIL MEGATRON/DRIFT artist Casey Coller lays his money on the Autobots:

and Jim Sorenson, who's helped put together two editions of TRANSFORMERS: THE ARK for us, bets on Fortress Maximus:

Cute details on Bumblebee's Autobot logo (hat and beard). Nice touch, Casey.
Oh, and Jim's drawing isn't Megatron. It's Fortress Maximus of the Headmasters, hence the detached head and "Maximum" part.
"Oh, and Jim's drawing isn't Megatron. It's Fortress Maximus of the Headmasters, hence the detached head and "Maximum" part."
Update: Oops. I blame the Christmas Eve rush. Fixed now.
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