Our first comic downloadable for the iPhone just went live at iTunes: CLIVE BARKER'S THE THIEF OF ALWAYS. Our GHOST WHISPERER comic will be up by tomorrow, too. (I should not that THIEF is a 48-page comic, too, so while most of the comics up at iTunes are giving uou 22 pages for $0.99, you're getting more than double that for the same price with this one. Kind of like downloading "Ina Gadda Da Vida" instead of "Shock Treatment" by the Ramones.
Somehow, I don't think my own adaptation of Clive's work, THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW, will make it up there. Seems iTunes has some pretty strict content rules and that one doesn't quite seem to fit their bill...
Which format do Itunes comics come in?
Chris, are the 2 TF omnibus (War Within and Beast Wars) confirmed for March? That's Amazon's release date...
Also, no chance for the Revelation TPB to be released for Christmas? :(
Thanks in advance.
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