I've never done any non-IDW comics writing (unless you count a couple Marvel "Epic Comics" scripts for which I was paid a kill fee), and am understandably exclusive to IDW. But they were good enough to let me work around that in one case, so while this isn't IDW news, it's safe to say that whenever I mention it, it'll also result in some new IDW press, too.
Jay Fotos, the overseer of the entire FRAZETTA line of comics at Image, announced the new slate of titles for 2009, one of which I'm going to be writing and Jay will be coloring. He and I worked on the story, and we've got my old SHAUN OF THE DEAD cohort, Zach Howard, handling the art chores. Nat Jones is going to do a second cover, beyond the Frazetta pic pictured here.
It's going to be a helluva challenge, since we're doing the book dialogue-free. Which not only puts a lot on Zach, especially certain sequences, but it also requires more real scripting than your average comic. I'm pretty well through the script now, so we're likely looking at an early '09 launch for the book.
Darn, I thought I already posted a comment. Guess it didn't go through...
1. "old Shaun of the Dead cohort." Did IDW publish SotD comics? If so, *runs off to buy them*.
2. Off topic, but as I'm sure you heard, the reporter who did the IDW ComicCon report didn't include the bit about the announced writer for "Angel: Aftermath." Can we know who was announced? :]
1. Yessir. Just an adaptation, written by me, drawn by Zach. My first IDW comic.
2. There will be a few, one of whom will be Mr. Brian Lynch (later on). Also, novelist Kelley Armstrong, and others to come.
Kelley's ideas blew me away. The world of ANGEL is not only in good hands, it's in the best hands. Her stuff just felt absolutely perfect. I can't wait.
And whenever they need help, I am here. And I certainly have not said good-bye to my ANGELverse full writing duties. Not by a longshot.
This is beyond the best news I could have heard. As you probably knew, Comics Continuum was reporting that JENNIFER Armstrong, a history novelist, was doing the writing... which was odd.
But I know Kelley's writing, and she's had considerable genre experience, and Brian's enthusiasm is contagious because I know how much he cares about these characters.
And Brian, also good to know you're not finished with the Angel comics. That is very happy. :]
Chris, I love "Shaun" almost as hard as I love "Angel." That movie is something you can watch over and over, so I think I'll try to pick it up so I can also READ it over and over ahah
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