These are some witty titles, aren't they...?
Anyway, I've been wanting to work with colorist Art Lyon for the longest time. If you don't know his work, the main reason I've loved his stuff is the art on Alan Moore's TOP TEN series. Art colored Gene Ha's amazingly detailed work with such skill and subtlety that I figured he'd be great over anyone's work. He's proven that here with his colors on the Sharp Bros cover for ANGEL: AFTER THE FALL. This is for the "First Night" series within the series, and yes, this is another exclusive here since this art has never been shown before. So, welcome to the fold, Art. Happy to have ya.
Awesome cover. One of the finest yet. But am I correct to understand that the variants for First Night will not be by Urru?
Yes, I was wondering the same. This cover is good, but for me... Urru's have been consistently the best. I'll, of course, be happy either way. I mean, it's friggin Angel.
Franco's catching his breath during these issues, yeah. I love his covers, too, especially issue 5 (and issue 1, which he was nice enough to send me and is now hanging on my wall).
Ah, I see. Franco will be missed sorely for these covers, but the guy deserves a break. With all the detail he puts in--in mean, check out Spike's home in "Shadow Puppets," it's insane!--he absolutely deserves a break.
As far as favorite Franco covers, my absolute favorite is #1. #3 is probably second place, followed by a tie between #4 and #5. I'm inclined to say I like 5 better, but Gwen having Illyria-hair and Illyria having a schnozz makes it a tie. #4 is also way awesome. #2 is good too, but can't truck with #1, #3-5.
Is there any definite word yet on whether "First Night" will be two or three issues?
It's likely going to run three issues now, but so we don't keep people waiting any longer for the continuation of the ongoing story, the next issue will ship that same month, two weeks after part 3 of "First Night."
Very, very nice.
Fan-effin'-tastic! Just one question though (as this has caused some debate elsewhere). Who is that holding the gun in the center of the picture? The argument runs Wes or Lindsay. HELP! Great, though!
There's an argument over who that is? I didn't even think there was any debate over it being Wes. I mean, Lindsey looks nothing like that facially and he has long hair. Wes looks exactly like that facially and has that exact hair as well...
Yeah, it's Wes. Maybe he should've been holding a crossbow instead of a gun..
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