Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Still Groomin'

Ben Templesmith's cover of Barada-2 for GROOM LAKE #3:

And just to show that the marketing campaign is wider and more grassroots than even I thought, here's a pic I snapped through my windshield this afternoon. Sure, the alien's color is wrong (and the outfit ain't quite right, either), but still, people seem to be taking it upon themselves to promote GROOM LAKE in their own ways.

Finally, here's a very detailed, well-written, intelligent and ultimately somewhat negative review of issue 1 that nevertheless enjoyed more about the issue than his conclusion would lead you to believe.


Anonymous said...

I'm still amazed that Benny T got away with drawing what is essentially the silhouette of a dick on the cover. Nice.

Anonymous said...

The first cover that is