This week, the special TRANSFORMERS: FOCUS ON DECEPTICONS comic is released. this is a preview of the upcoming "All Hail Megatron" series, and includes an 8-page preview of issue 1, so people will really know what they're in for when this new series starts in July.
The two GENE SIMMONS trade paperbacks this week both contain new intros from Gene himself, too. And after you read the DOMINATRIX one, you might never be able to think of The Inhumans' Medusa the same way...
John Byrne recently announced he will be doing at least 3 new Star Trek books for IDW and a fourth is awaiting Paramount approval.
It's unlikely you can say more now but I'm so excited about the prospect I'd love if you could drop some hints about what Mr. Byrne will be up to.
I can confirm this... and that's all I can (or choose to) do right now.
Love the Scarface look on that Megatron image. I'm tellin' ya... some of these images need to be turned to desktop wallpapers or posters.
2 intros from Gene? Sweet!
Hopefully this bodes well for some proper DEVASTATION!!!!!!
Will "All Hail Megatron" be released in two volumes when it comes out as tpb or will it be one?
?Will "All Hail Megatron" be released in two volumes when it comes out as tpb or will it be one?"
Kinda thinking "cart before the horse," aren'tcha? That's a ways off, it's not set yet.
This better be more then just an 8 page preview of a latter book! Otherwise I feel jipped that I even got exicted about it.
"Kinda thinking "cart before the horse," aren'tcha?"
Well yeah. Was just curious.
asking about trades also shows excitement!!!
definitely can't wait, the Constructicons are awesome, and their inclusion in AHM is a good move. And i agree that some of these should be made wallpapers, cause they are sweet images!!!
I LOVE Guido's art on this. Fantastic!!
-Hans B.
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