Ain't It Cool News had a nice write-up about Brian Lynch & Stephen Mooney's ANGEL 26, which hit stores last week. Among other things, they said:
This issue, however, was a keeper. Inspired, even. So many great little touches: casting the ubiquitous Nick Cage as Angel. Gunn as a fat white guy. George the dog. And Spike as…well, if you haven’t read it, I won’t spoil. But as a person who is getting a crash course on what an original script looks like, and what everyone else involved thinks it ought to look like, and how the finished product is somewhere between… just spot on. I could not help but laugh at some of the zingy one-liners, both the intentionally cheesy ones, and the ones uttered by our actual characters.
Read the entire review here.
And you can read an all-new interview with Lynch about those comics and the coming ANGEL ANNUAL by the same creative team here at Buffyfest.
stephen mooney is awesome,
and a bit of a dish!
Dish? A dog's dinner, more like...
That said, I can't wait to grab this issue. Looks like a peach. Genius concept, Messrs Lynch n' Moonfist.
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