How about a couple new DOCTOR WHO images today. The first is from Robert Hack, and it's for... something... due this November. The second is the third cover for Tony Lee/Pia Guerra's DOCTOR WHO: THE FORGOTTEN series (which debuts in August), by cover artist Nick Roche.
The Robert Hack piccie seems to be a cover to the World Shapers.
As for the Roche cover... beautiful as ever.
It's CRIMINAL that he's not on internals as well as covers.
Do we REALLY have to wait unit August? WELL two issues of Agent Provocteur should salve the itch for new DW comics I suppose.
And in an attempt to trump Chris on his own blog... CBR has a RIP-ROARER of a chat with Tony Lee with OODLES of piccies.
INCLUDING a colour cover of the one Chris has, AND some internals.
I stand corrected about Nick - Pia is PERFECT for this story. She ROCKS.
YES yes yes DanielW again...
That first cover has stimulated a bit of a debate in DW fandom - is it a sequel to World Shapers, or is it a cover to a WS reprint? Is IDW planning something special for the anniversary in November?
Have to see where these are sold here in the UK... maybe the TF comics too, but DW is my first love.
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