In anticipation of the coming SPIKE: AFTER THE FALL series, here's a nice spread showing Spike and his dragon... although isn't this supposed to be Angel's dragon? First Buffy, now this, eh, Spike?
Er, sorry, I lost myself for a second, pondering some "Spagon" fan-fiction... anyway, enjoy the artistic stylings of Franco Urru and Art Lyon from issue 2.
So, so epic. Ahhh man. "Angel: After the Fall" misses you so badly Franco, but at least we'll still be seeing you.
First Buffy, then soul, then Shanshu, now dragon. I hate Spike and I always will (that being said, Spike never really had Buffy--she just used him to feel better about herself).
agreed wanker!
^ Rrriiight.
Lol @ Spagon fanfic. Wonder what that might look like...it's a scary thought. Oh, and it looks fantastic.
I always liked Spike. Though, I did prefer him when he was evil and with Dru. When he got his soul he did act like a whiny bitch while he was mooning over Buffy (though he was still much better than Riley. I hated that character). But I started to like Spike again when he came back in Angel.
This looks AWESOME!
I can't wait for this to come out!
nastywanker, your name is so fitting for you, well done.
Chris, if you're sick of Spike copying everything Angel does then why don't you simply start writing something original for him? You make it sound like you had no choice except to include Angel's dragon in this comic. Or did Spike force you to include him?
Well we know Spike never really had Buffy, he never had Shanshu and we know from the Angel comics that he doesn't "have" the dragon either, so really....
Spagon though....innnnnteresting.
"Chris, if you're sick of Spike copying everything Angel does then why don't you simply start writing something original for him? You make it sound like you had no choice except to include Angel's dragon in this comic. Or did Spike force you to include him?"
Oh, I'm not sick of it at all, Anonymous, if that IS your real name... and I don't really think Spike is copying Angel at all. Not even in issue 3 when he adopts Connor as his son and starts dating Nina.
And I don't know if I've ever seen Spike written in a more original manner than he has been in Brian's hands.
In short, not being serious in my blog entry, me.
"Not even in issue 3 when he adopts Connor as his son and starts dating Nina."
Ha!!! I would love to see that happen just to see the look on Angel's face *snicker*
Ignore the haters, Chris, they're just filled with hot air that just needs to be let out or apparently they'll explode. It's for health reasons, really.
Grrr, now I'm super pumped! You guys are spoiling us! What next? Illyria After the Fall!? j/k, but yeah I cannot wait.
Amazing how some people seem to have nothing better to do than run around saying how much they hate stuff.
Weird. Very weird.
It looks great. As for Spagon, why not? I'm pretty sure there's already Drangel fanfic out there.
Illyria: After the Fall...
With a title like that, it could very easily be R-Rated ;-)
The cover looks gorgeous.
I hope we'll find out dragon's name after all. (I strongly suspect her name is Buffy... :)
This is awesome!!! Spike and the dragon! I can't wait to see it!
nastywanker, Spike had Buffy! They were in love each other! He loved her even without soul! And she loved him in the end of season 7! Spike is not like Angel. He is better than him!
I love Spike and I always will! He is my favorite character ever!
SPIKE is the BEST!!!
Clearly wanker by name, wanker by nature.
Awesome cover!
Glad you guys like the picture, but it's not a cover, it's pages from issue 2.
I'm thinking Spike isn't stealing the dragon. I'm thinking he's going to find Angel and finds the dragon blocking his path - protecting Angel.
First off - Bwahahaha at Ryall's post. Funny.
I think Random Reader might be onto something with the Dragon protecting Angel, even from Spike. I'm really falling for the Dragon character and his relationship with Angel, reminds me of Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders series.
Very excited about the Spike:AtF series where it can be "all about Spike" without complaints that he's stealing the limelight from Buffy, the Scoobies or Angel.
Eh, that's some good insight random reader though if it has anything to do with Angel I feel like this might be more Spike asking the dragon for help, well, helping Angel or somebody else entirely.
Haha about the Buffy dragon...I could very much see Angel naming her that.
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