THE TRANSFORMERS: ALL HAIL MEGATRON, launching the Transformers comics into an entirely new direction, launches in just a couple weeks. To further tide you over until then, here's the variant cover to issue 3, courtesy of Trevor Hutchison. It's not looking good if you're an Autobot fan...
Can't wait!
No one is an Autobot fan ;)
Is this a revised version of this then or an alternate?
>Is this a revised version of this then or an alternate?
Turns out we can't mess with the American flag like that without getting sent to Gitmo, so we tweaked the image...
>Turns out we can't mess with the American flag like that without getting sent to Gitmo, so we tweaked the image...
Ouch, but I do think this version looks absolutely amazing.
I haven't seen any of these books yet but the cover work you've done is great work. I can't wait to buy one now, I got a few IDW graphic novels of the transformers and love em. (generation 1 book 2 rocks!)
I Look forward to seeing whats next!
cool poster - reminds me a bit of Phillippe Apeloig.
It looks like a propaganda poster. So awesome.
I LOVE this covers.
AMAZING stuff, great design, powerful illustrations.
Kneel before IDW!!
I love the "little things" like the Decepticon Symbol in the logo.
That's cool.
Ideally, when we get Decepticon characters in the SPotlights now, we can use that logo, rather then the one with hte Autobot symbol on it.
Hi Chris, virtually totally unrelated question to this article, have you guys at IDW thought about doing some more TF profile books based on G2, Japanese and European transformers that weren't in Dreamwaves original 8 books.
"Hi Chris, virtually totally unrelated question to this article, have you guys at IDW thought about doing some more TF profile books based on G2, Japanese and European transformers that weren't in Dreamwaves original 8 books."
I think, after the BEAST WARS profile books, that we'd all prefer to take a long break from doing more of those... especially for these characters who aren't anything we've published yet.
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