Everyone agrees that Ben Templesmith's WORMWOOD, GENTLEMAN CORPSE reads better after you've had a couple of pints. Or maybe it's that Ben looks better after a couple bitters? I forget. Either way, Wormwood has long professed his love for the dark stuff in the pages of his comic, so we figure it's time to help enable more home-drinking. In January, we're going to offer actual merchandising, which is a bit rare for us (nary a Zippo lighter, shot glass or DOminatrix-brand Real Doll in our catalog right now)--a set of four WORMWOOD pint glasses, each adorned with new art from Ben (the package itself will also feature some new Wormy art).
The Guinness (or Boddington's, if you non-corpse gentlemen prefer blondes) is extra, but at least now you can toss that old paper cup and impress the sig. other in your life. And if they're not impressed at the start, they will be after they've emptied a few of these glasses.
You can even develop some Wormwood drinking games:
And so on...
The glasses are offered in the January issue of Previews, Diamond order code NOV08 4122.
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