Thursday, June 5, 2008

More Zombies, more Robots

Not new stories yet, although those are in the works, too. But here's the all-new painted cover from Ash Wood for the TPB collection that compiles all our current ZvR stuff (the three prequel tales from D'AIRAIN AVENTURE, the first miniseries and the ZvRvAmazons sequel, too).


ANDY KUHN said...

great cover, chris.
i bought the oversized hardcover of Z vs.R vs.A.
did you guys ever give the same treatment to
the first Z vs. R series?

Brian Lynch said...

I always root for the robots, is that wrong?

Chris Ryall said...

>did you guys ever give the same treatment to the first Z vs. R series?

Yep, same treatment. It's sold out through Diamond now, though. I can likely get you one at the con if you're coming.

>I always root for the robots, is that wrong?

Only if you rooted for them in that old Tom Selleck/Gene Simmons movie. The robots were lame in that.

ANDY KUHN said...

thanks man.
i'l be at comicon and I NEED ONE!
i'll be happy to pay for it!

Joshua Jabcuga said...

Any chance of an ED-209 cameo?

GR said...

an extraordinary and beautiful cover for the weirdest series ever!

I need a signed one!!!

Best, and congratulations to you and Ash.