Here's a pic of DOCTOR WHO writer Gary Russell (he's the bloke holding the comic, lest there be any confusion), holding an advance copy of issue 2 in his hands. Gary's in American from Wales for a Who convention this weekend, and was good enough to make the trek down from LA to stop by our offices and grab a bite to eat and plot out some future WHO comics, too.
And so you have more to look at than Gary's mug, here's a little more advance WHO for you, this time from issue 3, courtesy of Stefano Martino and color-specialist Charlie Kirchoff.
The first issue's finally almost here--two weeks from today, with issue 2 to follow two weeks later.
Hey Chris, have you guys now relocated from San Diego to LA? Hope the move went (goes) well! p.s Looks like it's time for more tf blogs?!?
We relocated from San Diego to... about a mile away in San Diego, actually. Much nicer space. I'll post full pics here at some point as soon as it's fully operational.
I think it's pretty good, yes.
The Doctor, is in.
sweet, one mile's gotta be better than well... any other distance!
I cannot put into words, how bloody STOKED I am about this series.
I freely admit that my interest in the New Series has wained, BUT this is not JUST the NS, it's the NEW SERIES AS WRITTEN BY GARY FLIPPING RUSSELL!!!!
I mean, come on, this guy helped make the most maligned Doctor in modern memory well loved by all.
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